“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God‘s grace in its various form”. 1 Peter 4:10
Learning First Inc. is a nonprofit organization that seeks to bring Hope and Help to children and their families. Our organization started many years ago serving children in the educational arena and ministering to schools in foreign countries. Today, we have four primary projects. First is our mission school in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Secondly, our mission to Faith Word Ministries who is working to build a 200-bed facility for abused boys and girls in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Thirdly is our Girls Leadership Group in Houston, TX called GIRLS WHO WIN. Fourthly is our education project in Africa. The primary focus of all four of our programs is to allow children and their families to grow in a safe learning environment with the resources necessary to help them become successful. We are concerned about the spiritual well-being of our those we serve and our goal is to teach them about the love of Jesus Christ. Dr. Dorothy Travis Moore is the Founder & President of Learning First Inc.
This has been a mission project for over 18 years and Andria Cummings is a God-fearing women who leads the school team in Jamaica. In April,2023, a team of three of us visited the school in Trelawny, Jamaica and carried blue gift bags to 200 children and 10 staff members. We provide school supplies, food and clothing. In the past we have built floors for kindergarten classes as well as playground equipment for elementary school children. We continue to minister to the needs of those in that area by sending schools supplies, tuition monies and supplies for special celebrations like Christmas, Easter and graduation.
“For this is what the Lord has commanded us: I have made you a light for the gentle, that you
may bring salvation to the ends of the earth”. Acts 13:47
I fell in love with this island on my first visit over 15 years ago. In April of 2023, our team attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for ARMY Academy, a vision of Apostle Marcia Creese, Bishop Ezekiel Creese(her husband), and the members of Faith Word Ministries. ARMY Academy, which derived its name from Anointed-Radical-Mighty-Youth, is located in Dauphine on the island of St. Vincent and it will be the resident- a refuge – for boys and girls from abusive
and neglectful homes. The main objectives are to “Revitalize, Rehabilitate, and Restore youth to their full potential and purpose. The plans are to assist the youth in navigating their lives and
build communication skills as well as make them children of God. Although the building was not completed, the Facility Director, Dr. Racquel Creese, was proud that the land was purchased in
2015, construction started in 2017 and it stood majestically for the ceremony of April 10, 2023. Our mission is to raise funds to help ARMY Academy complete the construction and open its
door for youth. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” Acts 1:8
GIRLS WHO WIN is a leadership program under Learning First Inc. The program idea was born
at Audrey Lawson Middle School. Dr. Dorothy Moore was a consultant at Lawson Middle School in the sixth grade English language arts class where she served as an academic intervention specialist. Through much conversation with the girls, she felt there was a need to
develop a leadership program for them. Dr. Moore wanted the girls to understand the leadership
dedication courage and commitment that Audrey Lawson bought to the community here in Houston Texas. After becoming a member of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in October 2022, Dr. Moore began helping girls in need at Lawson Middle School to understand that their school was named for the first lady at Wheeler Avenue, Baptist Church and they can have the same
leadership characteristics as Mrs. Lawson in December 2023 accord group of girls met at IHOP
restaurant in Missouri city. They enjoyed the delicious pancake breakfast and the Girls Leadership program was formed. the three founding members are Cassie Phillips, Journei Robinson and Kendreia Phillips. The goal of the Girls Leadership program is to provide leadership, financial literacy, etiquette and career expiration three months after the start of the
program the girls voted on the name GIRLS WHO WIN. Today there are 12 members of the leadership program and it continues to grow. “For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believe it in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Nearly 20 years ago I help with a project in Tanzania, East Africa, where they were drilling for
water so that the people in the area might have clean and freshwater. That relationship continued. This year I join a team of 12 other people and we flew 17 hours to Tanzania to complete an educational mission trip. Seven students were part of this trip and much joy came
from serving the people of this country. We were able to give school supplies to 1,700 children in a government school. Then we travel north in that country to a small town of Tarime where the students helped to paint a school
building and we gave school supplies to 350 children. As we travel through the country, it was
obvious that the needs are very great. We have developed relationships in those areas and
will continue to minister to those in need. We were grateful to take seven students with us on this
trip and the goal is to encourage other young people to become a part of the mission project and
travel to Africa because they are our future and world changers.
“He said to them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. Mark 16:15
“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the people”.
1 Chronicles 16:24
Learning First Inc. is a nonprofit organization that seeks to bring Hope and Help to children
and their families.